2006-03-27 20:34:28 UTC
Thelema is a modern but completely unoriginal reformation of a
philosophical current that comes up every few hundred years and
then dies out unsuccessful as its proponents generally fail to achieve
lasting works in favor of personal power.
I've acknowledged the trend as well. I do agree with your overallphilosophical current that comes up every few hundred years and
then dies out unsuccessful as its proponents generally fail to achieve
lasting works in favor of personal power.
assessment; but I would add that the choosing personal power rooted in
transitory materialism while at face value appears as if a consequence
of personal choice, ultimately it's of a collective pathology and thus
can be considered socially systemic. It's so chiefly in two ways. One
is coercion by humans and the other is manipulation by the unrealized
Those who choose personal power are apt not to understand Thelema
under no matter what label in context, or at the very least compare
the timeframe of an almost fully liberated discipline and favor
partial enlightenment. Most though simply choose to remain
unenlightened; or so they led to think the choice was theirs.
The questions are: of the countless hundreds of millions recycled in
different guises of flesh among the Nations after death are aware of
the happening a), b) understand precisely how to liberate themselves,
and c) care to liberate a part of themselves that's foreign, not being
experienced on the surface of it all? The answer to these questions is
"few". Of the few who at least understand the initiatory process, how
many choose to deliver the dictum straight, selflessly and without
ulterior, ill motivations? Here again, few.
The ego itself does not want to be liberated unto integration of the
sum total of its parts. Since a full integration would mean its
complete annihilation, itself depending on unrealized hosts to exist,
it will act on its own creative accord to manipulate its hosts to
think and act in ways that are prone to favor collective egoism in
general. There's no moral intrinsic value to be judged in the vantage
either. It's instinctual and of the ego's survival mechanism. Humans
then have two inherent survival mechanisms: the will to live, and the
will to die. The will to die collectively usually wins out through and
by sleight.
The doctrine of Thelema is a threat to the collective soul and is a
threat to transnational, governmental empowerment over the people.
The only way Thelema will survive with any continuity throughout the
ages is if its adherents initiate themselves, genuinely, and *then*
take wise actions to assure the adherence to the principles of
fraternity. To my knowledge these steps have yet to be taken. As
history has proven, any idiot with low self-esteem can and any idiot
with low self-esteem will create an Outer Order.
An Outer Order established by a genuine Magister Templi would have the
means to put all false prophets in their places.
But who among us will sacrifice their time to an aim that won't pay
out immediate ego gratification? Who among us truly cares about seeing
others supremely liberated? Who among us has even a modicum of
understanding of what fraternity means, or the Great Work for that
matter? Few.
Are you among the few? Time will tell.