William Butler Yeats' Theory of Reincarnation Explained
(too old to reply)
2007-10-09 16:44:55 UTC
What is reincarnation? To begin with, reincarnation does not take
place within a matrix of linear time. It's not as if e.g. you had a
life in ancient Greece and then you died; then you had a life in
ancient Rome and then you died; then you had a life in the Middle Ages
and then you died; etc. Rather, all of your past and future lives are
going on at once, in an eternal NOW moment.
Think of it like this: survivors of near-death experiences often
report seeing all the events that ever happened to them flash by them
in no time at all. Thus it would seem that we experience the thought
forms of our lives twice - once in linear fashion over a lifetime, and
the second time around in timeless fashion at the moment of death.
In an analogous manner, while there is indeed an evolution going on in
the universe, this evolution is not taking place in linear time: it's
all happening at once. Space and time have no objective existence.
They are merely cognitive tools which evolved as sentient beings
evolved, to enable them to focus upon one thing at a time instead of
everything at once. The linearity of time is an illusion, a
falsehood, which Eastern philosophers have termed maya or samsara. It
is this false appearance that there is such a thing as an objective
reality out there unfolding in linear time, which animates the
striving of all sentient beings and keeps the wheel of reincarnation -
of life and death and rebirth - turning.
Babies (and even young children, who sometimes talk about memories
from other lifetimes) are not as centered in a one-track existence as
adults are. Babies and young children are consciously impinged upon
by influences from other lives and probable realities which most
adults have learned to ignore. The same socialization process which
props up a baby's sense of being a unitary, abiding, separated
individual also imprisons that individual in a furrow of inexorable
linear temporality.
For most people, 99.9% of decisions are made on the basis of socially-
conditioned actions and reactions - what they were taught by their
parents and society. But every now and then everyone has poignant
moments - moments of consciousness or conscientiousness or conscience
- when they sense that probable realities are branching off this way
or that; or they feel echoes from other lifetimes and realities; or
they hear voices from deep inside them. When this happens people feel
connected to something more profound than their customary hustle and
bustle; and that something is their true purpose in this lifetime -
the reason they were born.
Nobel laureate William Butler Yeats' channeled masterpiece A Vision
explains the true nature of reincarnation - what it really is and how
it really works. Starting this coming month Magical Almanac, Bob
Makransky's free monthly ezine of astrology and magic, will be
presenting a six-article series which explains the theory of
reincarnation as described in A Vision. This series includes
complete instructions for safe and easy techniques you can use on your
own to run past life regressions and probable reality progressions;
and to recapitulate memories from your present lifetime (thereby
releasing the pent-up emotions which you have invested in your

To subscribe, send an e-mail to: MagicalAlmanac-

You can also subscribe (and view past issues) at:

Privacy Statement: We will not give or sell your name or e-mail
address to anyone, ever.


"We all to some extent meet again and again the same people and
certainly in some cases form a kind of family of two or three or more
persons who come together life after life until all passionate
relations are exhausted, the child of one life the husband, wife,
brother, sister of the next. Sometimes, however, a single
relationship will repeat itself, turning its revolving wheel again and
- William Butler Yeats, A Vision
George Bateman
2007-11-01 20:51:22 UTC
What is reincarnation? To begin with, reincarnation does not take
place within a matrix of linear time. It's not as if e.g. you had a
life in ancient Greece and then you died; then you had a life in
ancient Rome and then you died; then you had a life in the Middle Ages
and then you died; etc. Rather, all of your past and future lives are
going on at once, in an eternal NOW moment.
Think of it like this: survivors of near-death experiences often
report seeing all the events that ever happened to them flash by them
in no time at all. Thus it would seem that we experience the thought
forms of our lives twice - once in linear fashion over a lifetime, and
the second time around in timeless fashion at the moment of death.
In an analogous manner, while there is indeed an evolution going on in
the universe, this evolution is not taking place in linear time: it's
all happening at once. Space and time have no objective existence.
They are merely cognitive tools which evolved as sentient beings
evolved, to enable them to focus upon one thing at a time instead of
everything at once. The linearity of time is an illusion, a
falsehood, which Eastern philosophers have termed maya or samsara. It
is this false appearance that there is such a thing as an objective
reality out there unfolding in linear time, which animates the
striving of all sentient beings and keeps the wheel of reincarnation -
of life and death and rebirth - turning.
Babies (and even young children, who sometimes talk about memories
from other lifetimes) are not as centered in a one-track existence as
adults are. Babies and young children are consciously impinged upon
by influences from other lives and probable realities which most
adults have learned to ignore. The same socialization process which
props up a baby's sense of being a unitary, abiding, separated
individual also imprisons that individual in a furrow of inexorable
linear temporality.
For most people, 99.9% of decisions are made on the basis of socially-
conditioned actions and reactions - what they were taught by their
parents and society. But every now and then everyone has poignant
moments - moments of consciousness or conscientiousness or conscience
when they sense that probable realities are branching off this way
or that; or they feel echoes from other lifetimes and realities; or
they hear voices from deep inside them. When this happens people feel
connected to something more profound than their customary hustle and
bustle; and that something is their true purpose in this lifetime -
the reason they were born.
Nobel laureate William Butler Yeats' channeled masterpiece A Vision
explains the true nature of reincarnation - what it really is and how
it really works. Starting this coming month Magical Almanac, Bob
Makransky's free monthly ezine of astrology and magic, will be
presenting a six-article series which explains the theory of
reincarnation as described in A Vision. This series includes
complete instructions for safe and easy techniques you can use on your
own to run past life regressions and probable reality progressions;
and to recapitulate memories from your present lifetime (thereby
releasing the pent-up emotions which you have invested in your

To subscribe, send an e-mail to: MagicalAlmanac-

You can also subscribe (and view past issues) at:

Privacy Statement: We will not give or sell your name or e-mail
address to anyone, ever.
"We all to some extent meet again and again the same people and
certainly in some cases form a kind of family of two or three or more
persons who come together life after life until all passionate
relations are exhausted, the child of one life the husband, wife,
brother, sister of the next. Sometimes, however, a single
relationship will repeat itself, turning its revolving wheel again and
William Butler Yeats, A Vision

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