(too old to reply)
2004-04-24 00:25:10 UTC
This is quite a long post.
Let's see if this can spark some good discussion.

I've been diggin into the geotia and necronomicon. I'm not well versed yet,
just skimming through the materials, but it was complicated and very
interesting indeed.

There's a recent debate on some forum regarding the potency and authenticity
of The Necronomicon Spell Book (Simon) and I'm NOT going to touch that.

However, has anyone has any experience in conducting the conjuration? I read
that the result was fast acting also it is said to be dangerous and I read
that some people really end up in a nut house, even dead. Some poltergeist
activities also noted for about a week.

Some other stories just really crack me up, funny, freaky but at the same
time, intriquing: (these are some negative effects of Necronomicon ritual)

"(Have to admit thought that I ask to a great degree from idle curiosity - I
have had a go with Simons, I failed miserably and it was NOT PLEASANT! and
it took me half a year to find someone skilled enough to help me get rid of
those entitites. It was during these six months that I started to understand
phrases like "worse than death".) - Anyway, the point is that even if I am
not going near that shit again in the near future I am still curious when
someone has found a safer way to deal with those forces. "
"I have very bad experience with Necronomicon.If you ask me,stay away from

Yes,there is a lot of power in it,but the consequences can be very difficult
or at all not possible to be removed.

I know a person,who was involved in it.He is now possessed by the entities
he invoked.He has constant fears,that someone else is rushing
his aura,inner space,that someone is "stealing" "energy fragments" from
him etc.

Two friends of mine made scanning on him and discovered very deep posession.

2 or 3 years ago I evoked,with a friend of mine,Azatoth.I felt very
primitive energy.That's why I will not repeat this.

Another friend of mine told me,that the Necronomicon
entities(Azatoth,Khtulu),are egregors,i.e. they are created from the
collective human fears,anger etc.But they involve energy from the
chaos.That's why the consequences can very difficult be undone. "
IMHO the Spell Book is dangerously constructed. Read carefully what you're
supposed to say to the spirits in the spell. You allow a force of unknown
origin to enter you - really not very smart.

Even worse, there is no banishing in the Spell, which basically means you
will walk around possessed afterwards. It is further really tricky to banish
the forces using the standard methods, even if you have them down pat.
And yes I know about the watchers, I was almost killed by one. When I was a
"dabbler" I conjured the watcher to protect the cirlce while I worked with
one of the spirits in the nec. I didnt offer the correct sacrifices the the
watchers, and didnt do the conjuration of the fire. After all was done I did
the LBRP pretty flippenly (this was 3 years ago, and for 1 year after this I
didnt even say the word "occult) I stepped out of the circle only to see a
shadowy figure charge at me. I felt like I was goin to have a heart attack
and got VERY dizzy I then had a panic attack and my mind went totally blank.
I heard a voice as crearly as I hear my mom talking to me now to "GET BACK
IN THE DAMN CIRCLE" I quickly jumped back in and shouted to the heavens "MY
GABRIEL PLEASE HELP ME!" I then got my bearings about me and shouted the
invokation against spirits who attack the circle. I did the LBRP again and
the BRH. I was alright after that, and it was a year until I again got back
into cerimonial magick, or any magick for that matter. So yes, I know the
full deadliness of the watchers. You can flame me all you want for what
happened to me, but in retrospect I am happy that that happened to me. It
gave me a sence of what can happen to those who dabble. Im real eager about
walking the first gate, but im approaching it one stride at a time, trying
to get every single think right.
Yeah. Oh, buddy, if you find yourself getting accidentally possessed, while
using rituals, there is a thread on exorcism techniques in the Off Topic:
Occult forum. This is a just in case scenario.

If your possed how would you have the will to exorcise your self hitman?

A really dark spell?

catherine yronwode
2004-04-24 04:49:40 UTC
Post by ~Jim
There's a recent debate on some forum regarding the potency and authenticity
of The Necronomicon Spell Book (Simon) and I'm NOT going to touch that.
There is no real "debate" and any discussion of the subject is
not "recent." Folks who were there at the time the book was
commissioned and published by Herman Slater and written by Peter
Levenda with reference to the work of Samuel Noah Kramer knew the
substance of the hoax all along. Only the very young and those
who might profit by perpetuating the hoax see this as a subject
for "debate."

Please read these posts (each needs to be assembled on one line
line to be parsed by your browser):




cat yronwode
2004-04-24 10:45:03 UTC
Thanks for pointing that out Cat.
In my humble opinion, whether it's a hoax or not is not of my concerns as
stated. I'm more result oriented in this matter.

I don't mind being at all being a very young and open minded person LOL, but
I do have a very young occult experience. What I'm interested to hear is,
from anyone who HAS actually read the book and HAS the guts to perform the
"simple" ritual successfuly, with real results and who have not ended in a
nut house / possesed.

"There undoubtly exists a level of danger associated with Invoking any God,
Goddess, or Godform. Preparation of the Magickian is the key. That and a
strong heart! That said, you do not have to wait years to undertake this.
When you are ready you will know it. Then your biggest obstacles will be
fear and self- doubt. "

"The magickal system of Goetia is definitely not for dabblers in the occult
arts. If one does not feel comfortable or prepared to utilize Goetic magick,
they should not do so. It is not surprising that the Goetic magick of
Abramelin the Mage is only given to the student after the operation for the
invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel. The student would do well not to
attempt constraint of the lesser spirits before having attained the
knowledge and conversation of their Holy Guardian Angel. Probably due to its
specific interest in demonology, a great deal of wariness surrounds the
practice of Goetia, though much of this fear and prudence is undoubtedly
based on the first-hand experiences of reckless magicians. Goetic legends
hold that some magicians have perished after dealing with forces too great
for them. "
Post by catherine yronwode
Post by ~Jim
There's a recent debate on some forum regarding the potency and authenticity
of The Necronomicon Spell Book (Simon) and I'm NOT going to touch that.
There is no real "debate" and any discussion of the subject is
not "recent." Folks who were there at the time the book was
commissioned and published by Herman Slater and written by Peter
Levenda with reference to the work of Samuel Noah Kramer knew the
substance of the hoax all along. Only the very young and those
who might profit by perpetuating the hoax see this as a subject
for "debate."
Please read these posts (each needs to be assembled on one line
Post by catherine yronwode
cat yronwode
Steve Kane
2004-05-03 12:08:03 UTC
The key point with all of this cat and Jim is that all these kind of
things - fraud or genuine - perform the same test on us all. "What do
you want?" and "Why do you want it?"

The quest for power can be summed up as "How many "master magicians"
are pitching for their mother's tit - again and forever?"

Understand the mechanism of wanting - YOUR mechanism of wanting and no
demon can get you there. You may be fooled for a while but you will

Remember Jesus - mary's son - a sorcerer in my mind -confronted the
fellow we'll call "Stan" "Get thee behind me "Stan"" he declared - and
the "stans" have been following him ever since!

This is a koan and a joke - but it also tells us about how we must
tame and heed our wanting - else the first little demon will put a
saddle on us and ride us wherever it persuades us we want to go.
Convincing us that we are in charge of it.


The greatest hoax can still persuade us to followit. In the end the
truth might just be the best hoax - better not to "believe" anything -
especially not in yourself when you climb the tree and are god - and
alone - utterly.
susanne liptak
2004-05-04 04:07:56 UTC
Post by Steve Kane
The key point with all of this cat and Jim is that all these kind of
things - fraud or genuine - perform the same test on us all. "What do
you want?" and "Why do you want it?"
The quest for power can be summed up as "How many "master magicians"
are pitching for their mother's tit - again and forever?"
Understand the mechanism of wanting - YOUR mechanism of wanting and no
demon can get you there. You may be fooled for a while but you will
Jesus is God's son"not mary's son sorry?
Remember Jesus - mary's son - a sorcerer in my mind -confronted the
fellow we'll call "Stan" "Get thee behind me "Stan"" he declared - and
the "stans" have been following him ever since!
This is a koan and a joke - but it also tells us about how we must
tame and heed our wanting - else the first little demon will put a
saddle on us and ride us wherever it persuades us we want to go.
Convincing us that we are in charge of it.
The greatest hoax can still persuade us to followit. In the end the
truth might just be the best hoax - better not to "believe" anything -
especially not in yourself when you climb the tree and are god - and
alone - utterly.
Edward C. Foster
2004-05-05 20:54:12 UTC
It's time you all quit smoking crack!!

There is NO SUCH THING as a frickin book of the dead!!

If you believe in the Necronomicon, then I got a bridge to sell ya,
it's low cost, and will bring you in riches beyond your wildess dream,
just as Spedley DeNeut, he lives by it, or UNDER it I should say!!
2008-01-15 00:43:44 UTC
There Ain't No Necronomicon!
Copyright 1992 by Eric Hoffman and Poke Runyon

Every few years you will see
An ad as well-writ as can be!
Offering for sale a book...
Whose title is the selling hook.

It's called the Necronomicon,
To summon horrors from beyond...
Or so 'twas claimed by H.P.L.,
Writ by an Arab mad as hell!

The author, poor Abdul Alhazred,
Was 'et by demons in Damascus --
And how his book survived...
Don't ask us!

Lovecraft's fans both far and near
Have searched for many a fruitless year
To find this book of evil spells
But the truth is sad to tell...


There is a Key of Sol - o - mon
And a Lesser Key, Lemeg - a - ton.
There's a Grimorie of Honorius
And other works notorious...

Heptameron, Enchiradon, complete
With Tetragram - ma - ton
But there ain't no Necro - nom - ee - con,
Of that we have no doubt!

There's a Grand Grim-wah,
A True Grim-wha,
And Solomon's
Ars No-tor-ee-ah

There's Aramadel and Arbatel
And other catalogs of hell...
There's Picatrix ( not pick up sticks)
And other books of dirty tricks!

There's manuscripts quite Faust - tee - on
In Tablets in Enoch - ee - on...
But there ain't no Necornomicon,
And that's a natural fact!

On Sat, 24 Apr 2004 04:49:40 GMT, catherine yronwode
Post by catherine yronwode
Post by ~Jim
There's a recent debate on some forum regarding the potency and authenticity
of The Necronomicon Spell Book (Simon) and I'm NOT going to touch that.
There is no real "debate" and any discussion of the subject is
not "recent." Folks who were there at the time the book was
commissioned and published by Herman Slater and written by Peter
Levenda with reference to the work of Samuel Noah Kramer knew the
substance of the hoax all along. Only the very young and those
who might profit by perpetuating the hoax see this as a subject
for "debate."
Please read these posts (each needs to be assembled on one line
cat yronwode
2004-05-10 20:27:18 UTC
Hello Jim,

hows the study on necronomicon? and also you said you were going to visit
the owner of indotalisman/bezoarstones - has that come about as yet? Please
share your experience. Thank you.

Post by ~Jim
This is quite a long post.
Let's see if this can spark some good discussion.
I've been diggin into the geotia and necronomicon. I'm not well versed yet,
just skimming through the materials, but it was complicated and very
interesting indeed.
There's a recent debate on some forum regarding the potency and authenticity
of The Necronomicon Spell Book (Simon) and I'm NOT going to touch that.
However, has anyone has any experience in conducting the conjuration? I read
that the result was fast acting also it is said to be dangerous and I read
that some people really end up in a nut house, even dead. Some
Post by ~Jim
activities also noted for about a week.
Some other stories just really crack me up, funny, freaky but at the same
time, intriquing: (these are some negative effects of Necronomicon ritual)
"(Have to admit thought that I ask to a great degree from idle
curiosity - I
Post by ~Jim
have had a go with Simons, I failed miserably and it was NOT PLEASANT! and
it took me half a year to find someone skilled enough to help me get rid of
those entitites. It was during these six months that I started to understand
phrases like "worse than death".) - Anyway, the point is that even if I am
not going near that shit again in the near future I am still curious when
someone has found a safer way to deal with those forces. "
"I have very bad experience with Necronomicon.If you ask me,stay away from
Yes,there is a lot of power in it,but the consequences can be very difficult
or at all not possible to be removed.
I know a person,who was involved in it.He is now possessed by the entities
he invoked.He has constant fears,that someone else is rushing
his aura,inner space,that someone is "stealing" "energy fragments" from
him etc.
Two friends of mine made scanning on him and discovered very deep posession.
2 or 3 years ago I evoked,with a friend of mine,Azatoth.I felt very
primitive energy.That's why I will not repeat this.
Another friend of mine told me,that the Necronomicon
entities(Azatoth,Khtulu),are egregors,i.e. they are created from the
collective human fears,anger etc.But they involve energy from the
chaos.That's why the consequences can very difficult be undone. "
IMHO the Spell Book is dangerously constructed. Read carefully what you're
supposed to say to the spirits in the spell. You allow a force of unknown
origin to enter you - really not very smart.
Even worse, there is no banishing in the Spell, which basically means you
will walk around possessed afterwards. It is further really tricky to banish
the forces using the standard methods, even if you have them down pat.
And yes I know about the watchers, I was almost killed by one. When I was a
"dabbler" I conjured the watcher to protect the cirlce while I worked with
one of the spirits in the nec. I didnt offer the correct sacrifices the the
watchers, and didnt do the conjuration of the fire. After all was done I did
the LBRP pretty flippenly (this was 3 years ago, and for 1 year after this I
didnt even say the word "occult) I stepped out of the circle only to see a
shadowy figure charge at me. I felt like I was goin to have a heart attack
and got VERY dizzy I then had a panic attack and my mind went totally blank.
I heard a voice as crearly as I hear my mom talking to me now to "GET BACK
IN THE DAMN CIRCLE" I quickly jumped back in and shouted to the heavens "MY
GABRIEL PLEASE HELP ME!" I then got my bearings about me and shouted the
invokation against spirits who attack the circle. I did the LBRP again and
the BRH. I was alright after that, and it was a year until I again got back
into cerimonial magick, or any magick for that matter. So yes, I know the
full deadliness of the watchers. You can flame me all you want for what
happened to me, but in retrospect I am happy that that happened to me. It
gave me a sence of what can happen to those who dabble. Im real eager about
walking the first gate, but im approaching it one stride at a time, trying
to get every single think right.
Yeah. Oh, buddy, if you find yourself getting accidentally possessed, while
Occult forum. This is a just in case scenario.
If your possed how would you have the will to exorcise your self hitman?
A really dark spell?