Choices - A New Page on Via Sinistrae
(too old to reply)
2006-05-30 01:39:11 UTC
"What I'm longing for can't be found in any of the plays.
All of the plays are defined by the absence of that something.
I should not cling to tightly to chocolate bunnies or sanity..."

To see the full page, go here:


Text by Etanna
Graphics by Kyron

Juan Carlos
Black Note Music - Techno Shamanic Music
-- Energized Sound Creations --
2006-05-30 03:27:46 UTC
Post by Kyron
"What I'm longing for can't be found in any of the plays.
All of the plays are defined by the absence of that something.
I should not cling to tightly to chocolate bunnies or sanity..."
Text by Etanna
Graphics by Kyron

I found the post interesting and visited the link....

Only to discover how very boring and "wannabe-artistic" the website is.

Very intense imagery, though any artistic apeal is lost due to the "I
wanna shock you!" mentality...

The words are the trivial and meaningless drivel of the insane who
think they utter Delphic Prophecies.....

Reminds me of my disappointment upon listening to the, Yeah Yeah Yeahs
"Show us your Bones" CD, featuring the track "Gold Lion".

The Song "Gold Lion" is decent, but the rest of the tracks are the
stereotypical deconstructionist drool that many a disillusioned soul
confuses for true artistic expression.

The same "Deconstructionist" view of Art embraced by the website above
only proves how far education and intelligent expression is eroding
away from the collective mind of today's "modern" psyche.

My suggestion to all would-be-artists,

Seek your own voice, and do not jump on the popular bandwagongs of your

My suggestions for the maintainers of the above website:

The Poem/Poet is the purest form of Art. Make the words strong, Make
the poem Bold.
Weave us a Story, a legend, a piece of existance branded into our eyes
and tongue.

If the words aren't strong, then it doesn't matter how "Shocking" and
bold the imagery is,
as the piece would remain dull, dead, and lifeless.

2006-05-30 13:57:12 UTC
Post by LuckyH.
Post by Kyron
"What I'm longing for can't be found in any of the plays.
All of the plays are defined by the absence of that something.
I should not cling to tightly to chocolate bunnies or sanity..."
Text by Etanna
Graphics by Kyron
I found the post interesting and visited the link....
Only to discover how very boring and "wannabe-artistic" the website is.
Very intense imagery, though any artistic apeal is lost due to the "I
wanna shock you!" mentality...
The words are the trivial and meaningless drivel of the insane who
think they utter Delphic Prophecies.....
Sound familiar?
Post by LuckyH.
Reminds me of my disappointment upon listening to the, Yeah Yeah Yeahs
"Show us your Bones" CD, featuring the track "Gold Lion".
What, no Barney? Thought you liked it simple!
Post by LuckyH.
The Song "Gold Lion" is decent, but the rest of the tracks are the
stereotypical deconstructionist drool that many a disillusioned soul
confuses for true artistic expression.
No, you just have no taste.
Post by LuckyH.
The same "Deconstructionist" view of Art embraced by the website above
only proves how far education and intelligent expression is eroding
away from the collective mind of today's "modern" psyche.
My suggestion to all would-be-artists,
Give up now b/c you will never be as cool, talented or witty as me, Jason.

(ahem lol)
Post by LuckyH.
Seek your own voice,
Otherwise it is ventriloquism

and do not jump on the popular bandwagongs of your
Post by LuckyH.
You may fall off and the Surgeon General says it gives prostate cancer.
Let me take credit for it, b/c I, Jason, need an outlet for my teen angst.
Post by LuckyH.
The Poem/Poet is the purest form of Art. Make the words strong, Make
the poem Bold.
And capitalize words that don't need to be.
Post by LuckyH.
Weave us a Story, a legend, a piece of existance branded into our eyes
and tongue.
Ahh, you *lile* that sort of stuff, I get it now!
Post by LuckyH.
If the words aren't strong,

then it doesn't matter how "Shocking" and
Post by LuckyH.
bold the imagery is,
as the piece would remain dull, dead, and lifeless.
See below
Post by LuckyH.
Ding ding ding!!! We have a winner folks!
Beware of the flying kangaroos. Do not torment them or feed them anything
but Fosters and chaotes. There are three donkeys and one kangaroo, best be
careful, witchypoo.